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Various authors.

Nothing worth doing is as easy it as may seem at first.
White lies are still lies, and lying makes one ugly.
Beware of mistaking evil and stupidity for one another.
Utilitarianism – a misunderstanding of the meaning of suffering.
Thinking much but walking little eventually produces ugly thoughts.
Joy and kindness makes beautiful.
Compassion has to be earned.
To hold a grudge is to be enslaved.
Ask not for a smaller spirit, but for a larger life.
Are you Good, or are you just weak?
Always be kind to those close to you.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Poem by a friend of mine.

In past ages
I'd have burnt villages
Slaughtered men
And collected from the ashes
The flowers that bloom
Just for You


Picture this: we're walking together at sunset on the Beach, me, a powerful man who never skips chest day and you a qt crippled autistic redhead. You trip but as you fall I reach out and catch you with one hand.

You don't hit the ground but your breath still leaves you as you look up, eyes locked onto my powerful bosom. "Are you ok?" I ask, sweat glistening off my impeccable pectorals. You barely manage to stutter out a meek "yes" for you are very autistic and I am bountifully handsome.


Sing across, my joy,
The rivers of fear
And spaces between friends


Ugliness – a symptom of death fear along with the urge to optimize away from it; consider modern safe family cars, extensive traffic rules, glossy sportswear T-shirts, straight seated posture, urban grid design, cigarette warning labels, communal housing, modern warfare.

We don't even need to go as far as to proclaim that ugliness is fear of physical death; it is enough to say that it stems from the fear of the potential of any sort of harm: social, physical, mental.

Minimalism – in many cases it stems from the fear of aesthetic harm, combatted through avoidance of potentially offensive visual elements, leading to something soulless and ultimately ugly. It should ideally be a way to enhance the already beautiful, and be applied only to a moderate extent, not as an ideology encompassing everything aesthetic and metaphysical.

Fear of social exclusion leading to rejection of one's own unique features; this affects women much more than men because social coherence matters more to them, and is manifested in the application of "foundation as a clean slate" makeup.


Being in the gym for too long makes me sick. The smell of McPUFA™ Sweat, industrial chemicals from unceasing disinfection paranoia, unveiled lardmasses and bearded IPA drinking balding men, a fat mouthbreathing snapback wearing Mexican guy dousing himself in disinfectant as if it were Axe body spray (only to go home and chomp down on fifty Dorito burritos), along with the treadmill noise, I can't stand it for more than 45m.


Slavoj Žižek beautifully said "if one is to remain faithful to one's love, one should not elevate it into the direct focus of one's love, one should renounce its centrality". This is true; faith to one's love can only be proven when it exists in contrast to the rest of the world.

Only a corrupt God, a narcissistic woman or an evil ideology demands absolute devotion, absolute centrality, demands to be the world itself. And what becomes of the lover? Reduced to a slavelike state, his total devotion turns meaningless by the very fact that it is total.

A woman wishes to be a conflict; loved in the world, not as the world.


Concepts to research: DIY networking, wireless ad hoc network. I envision bands of Aryan pirates roving around in chariots (i.e. vans) participating as nodes in a P2P network, anon location but verifiable identity; your van holds the data you care about spreading. Think about it.

Your van is your "website", and participants in the network automatically and periodically save a timestamped copy of your website when inside your proximity radius using a distributed hash table protocol (Kademlia, I2P) – extreme persistence and robustness. Think about it.

Safe option: discreet white van, goes by unnoticed. Fun option: paint swastikas on the van and mount turrets on it. Give it huge monster truck rear wheels to take on any terrain. Install extremely powerful speakers. Mad Max style.


Every time you save a photo of an e-girl and add it to her dedicated folder you lay a flower upon her digital shrine, decorating her cyber altar and as such effectively encoding her in binary code as a deity, a cyber goddess; every visit is a prayer, a beautiful act of worship.


Those men who buy guides to be alpha chad are memeing themselves into a beta egregore; first their ego has accepted the identity of beta, then they seem approval of a self proclaimed alpha male, pleasing an online personality, orbiting him and mimicking him, just like the beta does to the alpha.


Surprised to find "Will to Slavery" an uncoined term as it perfectly denotes the widely occurring drive to wilful surrender to authority of agency—the opposite of Nietzsche's "Will to Power".


Some people are able to serve as nothing but a pool of yin to eject your yang into, they have nothing to sharpen yourself against, their entire purpose is simply to act as a polar opposite to conduct your discharge of masculine energy and memetic power.


I join my morning zoom classes clad in nothing but shorts and a silver necklace, window open sunbeams shining off of my impeccable chest, cigarette hanging from my mouth.

Every 10 minutes I get up to do a set of chinups on my doorway bar which is visible in the background. On my bed a heap of clothing which I haven't put in the closet because house chores are for women.


Nothing wrong with making outrageous but intuitively beautiful claims + attempting to understand them post hoc— Such is the recipe for any knowledge worth knowing. Reason’s proper role is as a means of explaining beauty, not arriving at it. Beauty + Truth are coterminous, anyway.


No babe, I'm not a conspiracy theorist it's called a manifesting board. No, Hitler escaping to Agartha through a hole in Antarctica is NOT a "conspiracy theory" its real here look at that old Nazi map. Yes that is a picture of you hanging on the manifestation board.


The contrived scam of dating before marriage aligns with the emerging ubiquity of spiritless apathy and non-investment in precisely the things which redeem life and furnish it with purpose. Rent your car, your house, your lover— and cancel anytime.

Ppl are made fearful of committing to things that define + tether them forever— but things undefined are nothing; and things untethered float away. They die with nothing to show, hoarding potential, never transmuted into actuality— they discover too late, it expires upon death.

dating phenomena is both a function and a cause of material instability, and is based on the obvious lie that marriage is somehow fiscally perilous. Why would it be imprudent to form a pact of financial collaboration with a trusted associate, aimed at building a shared legacy?

To redeem a tragedy one renders it in myth; but the media marketing arm of the dating-industrial complex hasnt even the confidence in its product to pretend that rootless fornication can ever amount to a satisfying conclusion. Modern romance stories are about victory over dating.

Make no mistake— marriage is the payoff; dating is ritual disappointment. Women in particularl arrive at their spouses physically redlined and emotionally bedraggled. Always, the invocations of freedom… but who wants freedom from love?